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10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama
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  1. #1
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    srce 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama

    Actions & Motives

    Wait the fact you did it.
    Don’t admit it.
    Won’t make you innocent.
    Fate finds you wicked.
    Turns you victim for everything you have done.
    So justify the reason to kill.
    Reason to kill.
    I bet you will.
    Find no one but yourself.
    But yourself.
    I wish you well.

    Oh what tangled webs we weave.
    When we practice to deceive.
    I know you well.
    I know you well.

    Actions and motives.
    Bare the cross, wear the crown, it’s just some evil you can’t bleed out.
    Our actions and motives.
    Your actions and motives.
    Bare the cross, wear the crown, it’s just some evil you can’t bleed out.

    I just don’t get it.
    How you managed to justify who dies.
    Like judge and jury.
    Your the very one who crucifies.
    Don’t get your hands dirty to kill.
    Use someone else.
    Know all your lies are measured in hell.
    I wish you well.

    Oh what tangled webs we weave.
    When we practice to deceive.
    I know you well.
    I know you well.

    Actions and motives.
    Bare the cross, wear the crown, it’s just some evil you can’t bleed out.
    Our actions and motives.
    Your actions and motives.
    Bare the cross, wear the crown, it’s just some evil you can’t bleed out.

    Can’t bleed out!

    Actions and motives.
    Bare the cross, wear the crown, it’s just some evil you can’t bleed out.
    Our actions and motives.
    Your actions and motives.
    Bare the cross, wear the crown, it’s just some evil you can’t bleed out.

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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  3. #2
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama

    Proud Of You

    Shadows set mood.
    Innocence left the room.
    And all I know to do.
    Is shed a tear for you.

    Oh, oh, oh, oh…

    Please don’t be ashamed whether you win or lose.
    I just want you to know that I’m proud of you.
    Don’t be afraid when your fight is through.
    I just need you to know that I’m here with you.

    I can’t watch you choose.
    To pour salt in your wounds.
    Now all I know to do.
    Is say a prayer for you.

    Oh, oh, oh, oh…

    Please don’t be ashamed whether you win or lose.
    I just want you to know that I’m proud of you.
    Don’t be afraid when your fight is through.
    I just need you to know that I’m here with you.

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #3
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    srce Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama


    Oh I know your kind.
    You would kill your kin for the right price.
    Well water thicker than blood.
    Oh I know your type.

    Use us to get what you wanted.
    You can’t finish what you started.
    Find it kind of funny how you try to rectify the damage.

    Your failure to find compramize.
    The walls are coming down.
    Will you survive sacrafise or tummble to the ground?

    Your lying to yourself.
    And to everyone that knows your name.
    You play the part of the fool so well.
    Oh I know your type.

    Use us to get what you wanted.
    You can’t even finish what you started.
    Find it kind of funny how you try to rectify the damage.

    Your failure to find compramize.
    The walls are coming down.
    Will you survive sacrafise or tummble to the ground?

    Oh I know your type.

    Your failure to find compramize.
    The walls are coming down.
    Will you survive sacrafise or tummble to the ground?

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #4
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
    Posting Award
    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama

    So Long, Goodbye

    Keep changing your mind.
    Like clouds in the sky.
    Love me when your high.
    Leave me when you cry.
    I know it all takes time.
    Like a river running dry when the suns to bright.

    So long this is good-bye.
    Maybe we’ll meet again in another life.
    Like strangers passing by.
    Maybe we’ll see clearly in a different light.

    Keep dodging lights.
    Like a thief in the night.
    The sun will rise and expose all the lies.
    So why deny that you and I lead different lives.
    The rivers from your eye’s can’t change my mind.

    So long this is good-bye.
    Maybe we’ll meet again in another life.
    Like strangers passing by.
    Maybe we’ll see clearly in a different light.

    The rivers from your eye’s can’t change my mind.

    So long this is good-bye.
    Maybe we’ll meet again in another life.
    Like strangers passing by.
    Maybe we’ll see clearly in a different light.

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #5
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
    Posting Award
    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    srce Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama

    All Your Lies

    Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention please.
    He who lusts through life for excess in this world.
    Dies a lonely man, careless of his soul.
    Throwing caution to the wind with foolish ignorance.
    You’re full of pride.
    Full of pride.
    Full of pride.
    And in arrogance you can’t accept the nearing end of this short lived life.

    Smile and give a toast, brag and boast.
    Fool the world with all of your lies.
    The parasite’s host never even knows.
    Pull the wool over our eyes.

    Walk the line and pay the price.
    A pound of flesh for paradise.
    Wear the wounds of your demise.

    Fail to mention your intentions, fail to mention why.
    The actions of your life contradict your words…
    The path in which you walk is a vice of no remorse.
    Washing conscience from the skin, claiming innocence.
    Ignore the signs.

    Smile and give a toast, brag and boast.
    Fool the world with all of your lies.
    The parasite’s host never even knows.
    Pull the wool over our eyes.

    Walk the line and pay the price.
    A pound of flesh for paradise.
    Wear the wounds of your demise.
    A pound of flesh for paradise.

    Bend the truth till you can’t find it.
    Find it.
    Twist your lies till you don’t mind them.
    Mind them.

    Walk the line and pay the price.
    A pound of flesh for paradise.
    Wear the wounds of your demise.
    From cradle to grave, you chose to trade.
    A pound of flesh for paradise.
    Wear the wounds of your demise.

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  7. #6
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
    Posting Award
    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama

    Drug Of Choice

    Sex always sells.
    Death is a thrill.
    Imitate my lack of patience.
    How much we pay to be Taylor made.
    Fashions fade the trends will change.

    Now what is your drug of choice.
    Pick your poison and enjoy.
    Now what is your drug of choice.
    Pick your poison and enjoy.

    Disasterpation the thrill of a nation.
    Temptation is for sale.
    Disasterpation the death of a nation.
    Money collect yourself.

    Reality scripted TV.
    Chasseing fifteen minutes of fame.
    Fight over fuel.
    Violence in school.
    The youth our eye’s confused as I am.

    Now what is your drug of choice.
    Pick your poison and enjoy.
    Now what is your drug of choice.
    Pick your poison and enjoy.

    Disasterpation the thrill of a nation.
    Temptation is for sale.
    Disasterpation the death of a nation.
    Money collect yourself.

    We’re so.
    Weak for.
    Blaming persuastion.
    Now the.
    Lifes based.
    On imitation.
    On imitation.
    On imitation.

    So what is your drug of choice.
    Pick your poison and enjoy.

    Disasterpation the thrill of a nation.
    Temptation is for sale.
    Disasterpation the death of a nation.
    Money collect yourself.
    Disasterpation the thrill of the nation.
    Temptation is for sale.
    Disasterpation the death of the nation.
    Money collect yourself.

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  8. #7
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
    Posting Award
    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    srce Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama


    Digging deeper in my mind, can’t get you out of my head.
    There’s no way to describe, just how you make me feel.
    I don’t know is it love, I have lost control
    Even when I’m gone, I can’t get away.

    I can’t focus, when I’m near you.
    Do you notice, me at all?
    I can’t focus, when I hear you.
    Do you notice, that I can’t focus?

    Like the moth fly’s to the light, catch it at first sight
    I can’t deny, I’m taken by the beauty in your eye’s
    I don’t know is it love, I have lost control.
    Even when I’m gone, I can’t get away.

    I can’t focus, when I’m near you.
    Do you notice, me at all?
    I can’t focus, when I hear you.
    Do you notice, that I can’t focus?

    I can’t focus, when I’m near you.
    Do you notice, me at all?
    I can’t focus, when I hear you.
    Do you notice?
    Do you notice?
    I can’t focus, when I’m near you.
    Do you notice, me at all?
    I can’t focus, when I hear you.
    Do you notice, that I can’t focus?

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  9. #8
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
    Posting Award
    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama

    Dying Youth

    Deep under the surface I keep the love.
    Older and aware of a hidden universe.
    I pray to be young and pray to be inspired.
    Words of your blister like fire.

    I can’t let you go.
    Slow down don’t leave.
    Dying days of my youth.
    Over take me.

    There is a glimpse of death in your eye’s.
    I’m not pre paired to let out those cry’s.
    I plead to stay young soon will be expired.
    So lost in denial.

    I can’t let you go.
    Slow down don’t leave.
    Dying days of my youth.
    Over take me.

    Reach in her womb shelter from strived.
    Baring the gifts, burdens of life.
    I pray to stay young but soon will be expired.
    The age of innocence long sense gone.

    I can’t let you go.
    Slow down don’t leave.
    Dying days of my youth.
    Over take me.

    Fools who for looking back word.
    Chose to live as statues frozen fracture.
    Youthful laughter.

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  10. #9
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
    Posting Award
    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    srce Odg: 10 Years - Tekstovi Pesama


    Beauty over wisdom to fit in with this time
    Your Cinderella stories, full of price
    Vanities of business built to please the unique
    Silicon and stars collide; the rest will fall at night

    Just as beautiful as you are
    Its so pitiful what you are
    You should have seen this coming all along

    Visioning are stimulating to my eyes
    Your Cinderella syndrome, full of lies
    Your insecurities are concealed by your pride
    Pretty soon your eager will kill what’s left inside


    It’s so pitiful what you are (Pitiful)
    As beautiful as you are
    (Should have seen)
    You should have seen this coming all along

    You’re everything that’s so typical
    Maybe you’re alone, for reason
    You’re the reason

    So pitiful what you are
    Should have seen this coming all along
    Just as beautiful as you are
    So pitiful what you are
    (Should have seen)
    Should have seen this coming all along
    Its so pitiful what you are
    As beautiful as you are
    (Should have seen)
    Should have seen this coming all along.

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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