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Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama - Strana 6
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  1. #51
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama

    "Hairless Heart"

    That night he pictured the removal of his hairy heart and to the
    accompaniment of very
    romantic music he watched it being shaved smooth by an anonymous
    stainless steel razor.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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  3. #52
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama

    "Counting Out Time"

    I'm counting out time,
    Got the whole thing down by numbers.
    All those numbers!
    Give my guidance!
    O Lord I need that now.

    The day of judgement's come,
    And you can bet that I've been resting,
    for this testing,
    Digesting every word the experts say.
    Erogenous zones I love you.
    Without you, what would a poor boy do?

    Found a girl I wanted to date,
    Thought I'd better get it straight.
    Went to buy a book before it's too late.
    Don't leave nothing to fate.
    And I have studied every line, every page in the book,
    And now I've got the real thing here, I'm gonna take a look, take a look.

    This is Rael!

    I'm counting out time, hoping it goes like I planned it,
    'cos I understand it. Look! I've found the hotspots, Figs 1-9.
    -still counting out time, got my finger on the button,
    "Don't say nuttin-just lie there still
    And I'll get you turned on just fine."
    Erongenous zones I love you.
    Without you, what would a poor boy do?

    Touch and go with 1-6.
    Bit of trouble in zone No. 7.
    Gotta remember all of my tricks.
    There's heaven ahead in No. 11!
    Getting crucial responses with dialation of the pupils.
    "Honey get hip! It's time to unzip, to unzip. Whipee!"
    -Move over Casanova-

    I'm counting out time, reaction none to happy,
    Please don't slap me,
    I'm a red blooded male and the book said I could not fail.
    I'm counting out time, I got unexpected distress from my mistress,
    I'll get my money back from the bookstore right away.
    Erongenous zones I question you-
    Without you, what would a poor boy do?
    Without you, mankind handkinds thru' the blues.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #53
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama

    "The Carpet Crawlers"

    There is lambswool under my naked feet.
    The wool is soft and warm,
    -gives off some kind of heat.
    A salamander scurries into flame to be destroyed.
    Imaginary creatures are trapped in birth on celluloid.
    The fleas cling to the golden fleece,
    Hoping they'll find peace.
    Each thought and gesture are caught in celluloid.
    There's no hiding in my memory.
    There's no room to void.

    The crawlers cover the floor in the red ochre corridor.
    For my second sight of people, they've more lifeblood than before.
    They're moving in time to a heavy wooden door,
    Where the needle's eye is winking, closing in on the poor.

    The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
    "We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in, to get out."

    There's only one direction in the faces that I see;
    It's upward to the ceiling, where the chambers said to be.
    Like the forest fight for sunlight, that takes root in every tree.
    They are pulled up by the magnet, believing that they're free.

    The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
    "We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in, to get out."

    Mild mannered supermen are held in kryptonite,
    And the wise and foolish virgins giggle with their bodies glowing bright.
    Through a door a harvest feast is lit by candlelight;
    It's the bottom of a staircase that spirals out of sight.

    The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
    "We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in, to get out."

    The porcelain mannikin with shattered skin fears attack.
    And the eager pack lift up their pitchers- they carry all they lack.
    The liquid has congealed, which has seeped out through the crack,
    And the tickler takes his stickleback.

    The carpet crawlers heed their callers:
    "We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in to get out
    We've got to get in, to get out."
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #54
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama

    "The Chamber Of 32 Doors"

    At the top of the stairs, their's hundreds of people,
    running around to all the doors.
    They try to find themselves an audience;
    their deductions need applause.

    The rich man stands in front of me,
    The poor man behind my back.
    They believe they can control the game,
    but the juggler holds another pack.

    I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.
    I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.

    I'd rather trust a countryman than a townman,
    You can judge by his eyes, take a look if you can,
    He'll smile through his guard,
    Survival trains hard.
    I'd rather trust a man who works with his hands,
    He looks at you once, you know he understands,
    Don't need any shield,
    When you're out in the field.

    But down here,
    I'm so alone with my fear,
    With everything that I hear.
    And every single door, that I've walked through
    Brings me back here again,
    I've got to find my own way.

    The priest and the magician,
    Singing all the chants that they have ever heard;
    They're all calling out my name,
    Even academics, searching printed word.

    My father to the left of me,
    My mother to the right,
    Like everyone else they'er pointing
    But nowhere feels quite right.

    And I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.
    I need someone to believe in, someone to trust.

    I'd rather trust a man who doesn't shout what he's found,
    There's no need to sell if you're homeward bound.
    If I chose a side,
    He won't take me for a ride.

    Back inside
    This chamber of so many doors;
    I've nowhere to hide.
    I'd give you all of my dreams, if you'd help me,
    Find a door
    That doesn't lead me back again
    -take me away.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #55
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama

    "Lilywhite Lilith"

    The chamber was in confusion-all the voices shouting loud.
    I could only just hear, a voice quite near say, "Please help me
    through the crowd"
    'Said if I helped her thru' she could help me too, but I could
    see that she was wholly blind.
    But from her pale face and her pale skin, a moonlight shined.

    Lilywhite Lilith,
    She gonna take you thru' the tunnel of night.
    Lilywhite Lilith,
    She gonna lead you right.

    When I'd led her through the people, the angry noise began to grow.
    She said "Let me feel the way the breezes blow, and I'll show
    you where to go."
    So I followed her into a big round cave, she said "They're coming
    for you, now don't be afraid."
    Then she sat me down on a cold stone throne, carved in jade.

    Lilywhite Lilith,
    She gonna take you thru' the tunnel of night.
    Lilywhite Lilith,
    She gonna lead you right.

    She leaves me in my darkness,
    I have to face my fear,
    And the darkness closes in on me,
    I can hear a whirring sound growling near.
    I can see the corner of the tunnel,
    Lit up by whatever's coming here.
    Two golden globes float into the room
    And a blaze of white light fills the air.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  7. #56
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama

    "The Waiting Room"

    He panics, feels around for a stone and hurls it at the brightest point.
    The sound of breaking glass echoes around the cave.
    As his vision is restored he catches sight of two golden gloves
    about one foot in diameter hovering away down the tunnel.
    When they disappear a resounding crack sears across the roof, and it collapses all around him.
    Our hero is trapped once again.

    "This is it" he thinks, failing to move any of the fallen rocks
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  8. #57
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Genesis - Tekstovi Pesama


    All the pumping's nearly over for my sweet heart
    This is the one for me
    Time to meet the chef
    O boy! the running man is out of death
    Feel cold and old, it's getting hard to catch my breath
    's back to ash, now, you've had your flash boy
    The rocks, in time, compress
    Your blood to oil
    Your flesh to coal
    Enrich the soil
    Not everybody's goal

    Anyway, they say she comes on a pale horse
    But I'm sure I hear a train
    O boy! I don't even feel no pain
    I guess I must be driving myself insane
    Damn it all! does earth plug a hole in heaven
    Or heaven plug a hole in the earth - "how wonderful to be so profound
    When everything you are is dying underground"

    I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
    I could have been exploding in space
    Different orbits for my bones
    Not me, just quietly buried in stones
    Keep the deadline open with my maker!
    See me stretch; for God's elastic acre
    The doorbell rings and it's
    "Good morning Rael
    So sorry you had to wait
    It won't be long, yeh!
    She's very rarely late"
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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